1-Students can work at their own pace, without having to juggle everyone together.

2- Graduate early- Because this is a not a regular traditional learning system, students can work and move early enough that guarantees an early solid graduation

3- Character development- Because students work on their own, they are instilled with self-discipline. Good Character we know is a quality of good leadership.

4- Good performance on Standardized testing- Students who use the ACE curriculum have shown to do better in standardized testing

5- Leadership traits- ACE is structured to where students make decisions to study on their own with or without someone telling them what to do, the curriculum avails students to help make great and quality decisions on their own, they learn to take control and make quality decisions, which prepares them for leadership positions in the Government, Military, Education, Medical, Law, Politics, Ministry, Business, Entrepreneur and all other professionals.

6-Time Management – ACE teaches students how to manage their own time, set goals, stay focus on things that matter, self-discipline, self-motivation.

7-STRUCTURED CURRICULUM- ACE is tailored to what the students need per time and season, that way they are not taking in too many information that would not be helpful to them per time.